Face and Neck Lift

Recapture the beauty of self-confidence. Beauty with care.

They say that one cannot have a pretty face without a pretty neck. There are many techniques for facelifts with the primary goals of effacing the jowls, lifting the cheeks and midface and smoothing wrinkles while maintaining the patient’s natural appearance. Facelift surgery is one of the most artistic and individualized surgeries in aesthetics and requires a great deal of planning and skill on the part of the surgeon. I have had the opportunity to learn techniques from masters in this field on both coasts and have been studying facelift surgery for over a decade. I am currently involved in active research on the topic and truly enjoy performing this surgery. 

Facelift procedures may also involve concurrent modification of the upper face (browlift, eyelid surgery) and in some instances fat transfer. Skin resurfacing can be useful for fine wrinkles in the perioral region. The results can be very satisfying for patients. A natural and long-lasting result is the goal. I am proficient in a variety of techniques for surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation depending on the patient’s desire, anatomy and tolerance for recovery time.

Face & Neck Lift before/after gallery

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